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Green Chili Recipes kikil Practical

Green Chili Recipes kikil Practical - Let's all make nice food in a way that is easy and practical guided by our resepcaramemasak.info, a site that will share recipes, drinks, cakes and other recipes, well now for those of you who want to make the new menu for daily meals there ya a new prescription from us based on kikil.

This recipe called Green Chili Recipe kikil, for now if you've never made a recipe that you can try this one nih by preparing a variety of ingredients, spices and cooking utensils necessary. Step by step how to cook would we write here in order to make your mempurmudah.

Here is how to make a dish kikil green chilies, beg for your record or you can browse on this site can only melalaui on smartphone, tablet, laptop, notebook or computer though, so you can read this tutorial.

Green Chili kikil material:

  • 250 gr kikil, washed, sliced ​​according to taste
  • 1 tomato fruit, sliced ​​according to taste


  1. Chilli Red and Green Chili are each 5 pieces, sliced ​​diagonally into thin (if you want more spicy longer, wear red chili sauce)
  2. Garlic 3 cloves, peeled, keprek / thinly sliced
  3. Red onion 4 cloves, peeled, thinly sliced
  4. Galangal / laos 4 cm, keprek / thinly sliced
  5. Bay leaves 3 pieces
  6. Cooking and Make Green Chili kikil:
  7. Saute the ingredients in 3 tablespoons of hot oil until fragrant, add salt and sugar to taste / to taste,
  8. Enter kikil and tomato slices, stir until the spices to infuse,
  9. Add boiled water approximately 1/2 cup starfruit,
  10. kikil mature and cook until the water is low.
  11. Serve with hot white rice

Well already noted the Green Chili Recipes kikil, now you can try to make a new menu at home and serve while warm to your family in order to feel your dishes. Read also traditional cuisine Gudeg Nangka and Know Jogja.