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Recipes Cooking Grill Seasoning Gurame Rojak

Recipes Cooking Grill Seasoning Gurame Rojak - resepcaramemasak.info site today added another nih cooking menu and this time we will discuss about the menu dishes made from raw material fish, one fish most often processed in cooking is Gurame and maybe you family and love with processed fish, well, if you as a mother to have a request from the family to make a special dish that might be worth trying this cuisine menu.

Carp Bakar Bumbu Rojak well this is a menu that will be the mother practice in the kitchen, there are some materials that should mothers prepare before making these dishes, especially its main ingredient is buying carp, and also spices complement. Go see the info recipe of fish below.

Fuel Materials Condiments Gurame Rojak:

  • 1/2 kg of fresh carp
  • 3 red onions slung
  • Garlic 1 slung
  • Kemiri 1 seed
  • Big red chilli 2 pieces
  • 1 small chili pieces (which like spicy chili can be added according to taste, or not wear chili if it's kids that are not spiciness)
  • Tomatoes 3 or 4 pieces (rather large)
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 tablespoon salt
  • Paste, little
  • Ginger, 2 or 3 slices
  • Bay leaf 1 sheet
  • Soy sauce to taste

How to Make Gurame Grill Seasoning Rojak:

  1. Or blender grind all ingredients, except the bay leaf.
  2. Shopping carp so 2 then coat with a few pinches of salt. Uses double pan fried, a little oil, turning briefly inverted, half-baked.
  3. Lift carp then enter humbug without oil for a while. Enter a bay leaf, salt and sugar while diicip-tasters so that it fit. Turn off the stove and then enter the carp while smeared-rub seasoning to all surfaces.
  4. Grilled with low heat while 3 or 4 minutes once inverted. After a rather pervasive apply sauce and bake until cooked.

That was Gurame Grill Seasoning Recipes Rojak from us today, hopefully mothers today could present a special menu to family and if confused tomorrow want to create a menu let alone, do not be confused, bewildered popped into resepcaramemasak.info recipe sites.